
I don’t know if I would have made it mentally those last couple of days if you weren’t there to answer every freaking text message from me. You may not realize it but your words were so encouraging and still stay with me.
— Mary Elizabeth

Erin was an invaluable resource to me during my last pregnancy. Especially as I was laboring at home and needed help deciding when to leave for the hospital. My contractions did not fit a standard pattern and I wanted to maximize my time at home. She listened and asked me useful questions, and helped me to make the decision that allowed me to get to the hospital at the right time. I am grateful for her wealth of experience and compassionate support.
— Stephanie
Your support before, during, and after the birth of Everett helped prepare me, overcome disappointment, and find peace & joy with my birth experience. You are a fantastic doula and I hope you get the opportunity to help, encourage, and share in the birth experience of many other moms & their babies.
— Brittiny
When I went into labor with my daughter, my water broke suddenly at midnight. My husband lovingly rolled over and continued to snore. Although I had gone to birthing classes, and read the books, I felt, like most other first time mothers, completely clueless as to what I should do. I walked into my daughter’s nursery, looked over the vague material the classes had given me, and started to fold laundry. I desperately texted two people, my mom, and my friend, Erin Mattingly.

Out of a divine miracle, Erin responded to my message, and calmly offered me a helping hand. She encouraged me to monitor the labor, try to relax by taking a shower, and ultimately head to the hospital. Erin was there for me that night, when I felt like I had no one else. It also really helped knowing she was familiar with what I was going through.

Erin was one of the first people to visit Evie and I in the hospital, and continued to be my lifeline after Evie’s birth. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve asked her about things that I went through after Evie’s birth, ranging from breastfeeding questions to newborn milestones. Erin has been there for me every step of the way. If I ever get pregnant again, I would be thrilled to ask Erin to be my official doula, trusting fully in her calm and reassuring presence, and thorough professional knowledge of mothers, babies, and childbirth.
— Beverly